Sunday, March 24, 2013

Business Networking and Sex...not what you think

It's the Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus for the business world. Data from 12,000 surveyed business people was compiled to show the differences between men and women when it comes to their approach to business networking. Three authors worked together to write it: Ivan Misner, who compiled the survey results, Hazel Walker representing the female perspective and Frank J. De Raffele Jr. with the male perspective.

I enjoyed Business Networking and Sex...not what you think more than I do some business books because of both the practical information that I can use as I network. Also, I had the opportunity through my work with Write Choice Services to interview Ivan Misner on Write Here, Write Now, a Business Radio X show in Atlanta, around the time the book was published last year. Then, last month I attended a large networking event in Atlanta where Hazel Walker was one of the featured speakers. A book always means more if you get a chance to hear from the author.

The bottom line of the book shouldn't surprise anyone: women like to form relationships with those they do business with while men just like to jump right in and strike a deal (similar to the dating world, yes?). The book offers instance after instance of research to back up all the findings, but also offers ways women and men can meet each other in the middle, and anticipate what business associates from the other gender will expect.


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