Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Arsonist's Read-Along, Day 1

This week I'm participating in a read-along with the bloggers at Literate Housewife and Indie Reader Houston. The book they've chosen is one I've been looking forward to reading, so this is my excuse to read it now. It's called An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England by Brock Clarke. I'll be updating my blog as I'm reading, and checking in on what other book bloggers are saying. The event runs through next Monday, March 19. If you're reading along too, or just interested in knowing more about the book, see Indie Reader's post with her first reactions to the book.

Here are my observations from today's reading (through page 110):

- The scene and people descriptions are cracking me up. For example, "...and once, in a fit or anger or grief, someone hurled a Birkenstock through our bay windows. It was a man's right shoe, size twelve" (p. 6).
- I like the stream of consciousness on pages 51-52. Produce rolling around in the backseat of an elderly woman's car reminds Sam (the narrator) of the time his father tried unsuccessfully to have a garden, which leads the reader into that story. It's a clever way for us to find out more about Sam's dad.
- "I've recognized that stories were everywhere and all-important" (p. 74). Well, of course!

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