Maguire, author of Wicked, recently published this book to honor Sendak and his contributions to children’s literature in the past several decades. (Side note: Did anyone else try to read Wicked and have to put it down? I almost never do that, but I just couldn’t make it through. Should I give Wicked another try?). Maguire’s book comes out of a lecture he gave to the American Library Association to honor Sendak. I have always loved Where the Wild Things Are, but this book helped me see all the other books Sendak has worked on too.
To learn more about Sendak, check out:
Caldecott and Company by Maurice Sendak (essays)
The Art of Maurice Sendak by Selma Lane
The Art of Maurice Sendak: 1980 to Present by Tony Kushner
Angels and Wild Things by John Cech
Article from the New York Times
Article on PBS’s web site
And just for fun, here is a picture of my Where the Wild Things Are Christmas ornament, on one of my trees at home.
Happy holidays!
I suggest trying to read Wicked again. The beginning of the book, until she goes off to school, was a struggle to get through for me. From that point on, the rest of the book was enjoyable. It is not on my favorite ever list, but it was a good read. If you have trouble with it again, perhaps it was not meant to be!