Thursday, August 12, 2010

Laura Bush Memoir

I just realized it's been over a week since I've posted. Probably that's because I've been pretty busy (but in a good way) with work, and I haven't been flying right through my reading as usual. I have, however, spent almost four weeks enjoying Laura Bush's memoir, Spoken from the Heart. I've always thought she was an interesting, classy lady, and her book confirms that (Thanks, Kaye, for letting me borrow the book!). It's no page turner, but interesting and worth a read just the same. I particularly enjoyed reading about her early life in Texas and what it was like to be the President's wife and live in the White House in the days and weeks and months after 9/11. Must have been terrifying. She, as a former teacher, has a particular love for reading and has worked hard to create literary festivals in the U.S. and has encouraged others (particularly young children) to read. Check it out if you get the chance!

Now, I've got a few interesting reads on the horizon that I'm excited about. You'll be hearing more from me soon!

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